Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Beginning

I am Grandma/MawMaw, I have had this title for 6 years, 11 months and 2 days. It is in a tie for my best title of Mom/Mommy. I have been keeping a journal to write all my highs/worries and woes, but at this time of my life, I use my computer more than a writing journal. So I thought why not blog all the funny things that my Grandchildren say to me everyday. We have been blessed to have 5 beautiful grandchildren. We have watched our grandchildren almost everyday of their lives. We have been very blessed to be able to do this. I know starting this blog now, I have missed some of the best stories but as time goes on and I remember some of them I will start a space on the blog, called PAST FUNNIES, and I will post past stories. So lets start this journey, hope you enjoy. Here are the characters in this play, First, Kylie, 6 years old and will turn 7 in August and starts 1st grade. Next, Leah, 6 years old and will turn 7 in December and Leah starts 1st grade this year too. Dylan is 3 and will start preschool in August. Sissy (MaryAnn) is 3 and will start preschool also, with Dylan. Charlie is our baby and turned 2 yesterday.

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