Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Our beautiful Sissy turns 8

Sissy turns 8 on February 13, 2015.  Sissy and I went shopping for her birthday present on 1-30-15.  She had a 1/2 day of school, so I picked up all 3 kids and went home for lunch and then Sissy and I left for birthday shopping.  She found everything she wanted within 40 minutes at Toys R Us so then we went to Oberweiss Dairy for a huge hot fudge Sundae.  While Sissy was eating her Sundae she preceded to tell me I was pronouncing Sundae wrong, it is pronounced Sunday, so now I know.  Sissy is the best.  I especially love her hugs and kisses, no one hugs better than Sissy.  She is known in our family as the best hugger ever.
On February 13th, Sissy's birthday, I was invited to St. Gabes by Charlie to read a story to his class.  When Sissy got wind of this she asked if I could visit her class because it was her birthday.  I received permission to visit Sissy after I read to Charlie's class.  I took a birthday balloon and got to hear the class sing Happy Birthday to Sissy, it was an awesome day.  I am so blessed.

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