Tuesday, March 31, 2015

More funnies from Dylan and Sissy

In January of 2015 I was talking to Dylan about his first communion coming up in April.  I was telling him how proud I was of him and what a big deal it was and he turned to me and said "I don't know what the big deal is, I don't even know if I will like it!"  By this he meant if he will like the taste of the communion bread.  This is how Dylan is he focuses on the taste of the communion, not what it represents.  But believe me, if he doesn't like it when they practice, there is no way he will accept it or he will but he will be crying all the way down the aisle.
2-19-2015 All the kids were over and we were having lunch, for dessert I had brownies, their favorite and Sissy asked, "Grandma is their powder sugar on the brownies, because I gave up powder sugar for lent!" Luckily for me, there was no powder sugar on the brownies so she could eat them guilt free.

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