Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Mom my Hero

I know this blog is for my Grandkids but yesterday was the 10th anniversary of my Mom's passing.  My Mom was the greatest Mom, my best friend, my hero, my inspiration, my everything.  I am so glad my kids got to know their Grandma.  My regret is that my Grandkids have missed that awesome opportunity.  Life was not easy for my Mom but she never complained.  No matter what she endured it with a smile and a regret she was putting people out.  My goal in life is to be just half the person she was and I struggle with that everyday.  I wish everyone could have a Mom like her and the world would be a better place.  I have missed her for 10 years and still cry for her often.  Thank you Mom for all that you still are to me.  I still love you bunches and miss you more.

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