Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sissy is 5 - Our Pretty!

Our Beautiful Sissy Girl turns 5.  She picked Ariel for her themed birthday cake.  She had a great party.  Sissy was born the day before Valentines Day in 2007.  We had an ice storm that year, could hardly make it home after her birth.  Sissy is our peacemaker, she takes such good care of her brother and loves everyone.  She doesn't command the center of attention like her brother and sister but she does love the attention when she can get it.  Even as a baby, when she and Dylan (her cousin) were on the floor playing (just 2 1/2 months a part) Dylan would scream for the attention, I would take care of him and all of a sudden think, Sissy, where is she, and she would just be still playing in her place.  She was the easiest baby of all.  She is still the easiest.  We love you Sissy our pretty.

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