Sunday, May 13, 2012

2011 Summer Vacation - New Orleans and Destin

We left on vacation June 7th for New Orleans with Brian and Mary caravaning. We arrived around 6pm to a homemade dinner of Jambalaya.  It was delicious.  We had the grand tour of the city and the flood areas.  We also took a swamp ride on a boat and saw lots of alligators.  We really enjoyed it.  On June 11th we continued our trip to Destin, Florida where we met Julie, Nick and the kids.  We found our condo which we loved.  We lounged on the beach with the kids playing in the sand.  First time seeing the ocean for Kylie, Dylan, Sissy and Charlie, they loved it.  We really relaxed on this vacation and were treated to special dinner prepared by each family.  We left on June 18th to return home which we did in one day taking 12 hours.  Not a fun ride home but we did it.  Overall it was a very successful family vacation.

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