Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Day of Preschool

August 31st was Dylan and Sissy's first day of Preschool at Abiding Savior Lutheran School. Julie took Dylan and Mary took Sissy to school. We were lucky, there were no tears. Sissy was a little nervous but went in and started coloring and Mary snuck out before she started to cry. Dylan couldn't wait and ran into the room and never looked at Julie again, she had to force him to kiss her goodbye. Sissy informed the teachers that her name is Sissy and not MaryAnn. They changed all their records to reflect the change. We were all anxious on how the first day would go, so Bob and I and Charlie got to school a little early to pick up the kids and was hoping to spy on them a little. When we were driving into the parking lot, we saw Dylan and Sissy on the playground, Dylan saw us and then trouble began. The teacher told us when Dylan saw the van, he started to cry. The tears did not last long. The kids loved school and wanted to go back the next day. When we looked into their book bag we saw the notes from the teacher. On Sissy's note it said she was an excellent listener. Dylan's note said he was an enthusiastic door holder. We think the teacher had trouble thinking of something positive to say about Dylan. We understand.

I have to share this story that Gen Barton (GiGi) told me about Sissy. She was watching Sissy and Charlie, they were playing in another room, Gen was in the kitchen. Sissy came in the kitchen and announced to GiGi, "I taught Charlie English", Gen said oh really. Sissy says, "Yes I did, do you want to see?" Gen says sure. Sissy went to get Charlie, brought him into the kitchen and says to Charlie, "Charlie, say English", Charlie does what he is told and says "English". Sissy looks at Gen and says "See, I taught him English". I rolled. Sissy's mom, Mary, teaches English at DuBourg, I bet she is wondering why it takes her mom so long to teach English to the kids, it only took her a second. You gotta love them.

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