Saturday, August 28, 2010

Another Week of Change

This week marks another change in Grandma and PawPaw's house. NO MORE BABY BEDS! It was a very surreal event. In a way, I was happy and in another way I was sad, no more babies. I love all my babies to death but in reality, they are a lot of work and like I always say, there is a reason God doesn't give mature women babies. Anyway, we took down Charlie's baby bed and replaced it with a "garage sale find", a blue corvette toddler bed. Charlie loved it, so did everyone else.

On Friday, I acquired a new name "Chloe", given to me by Sissy. She decided she was Mommy on Friday and I was her little girl. If I forgot to call her Mommy, I was reprimanded immediately and told, "I am your Mommy!" I was called "sweetie" most of the day and told "I had to go to school". It was an interesting and funny day. Oh, the other funny thing was Dylan was Daddy but he didn't take his role very serious.

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