Monday, January 20, 2014

Kylie and Leah spending the night at Grandma and PawPaw's house

We had our first Disney Family Meeting Saturday, January 20, 2014 for our trip coming up, thank you Brian for all your help in preparing for the trip.  We all met, had lunch and then started making reservations for things we want to do.  Leah and Kylie said they wanted to spend the night so after everyone else left, we went to 4:30 mass and then out to eat.  Leah suggested a Chinese Buffet, she talked Kylie into agreeing on going, so that is where we ended up and the first picture is them pigging out.  Then they wanted a spa treatment, Kylie brought a mud mask, so they put on swimsuits and put on the mud mask.  They just had a ball and stayed in the water til it turned cold.  After that they went to their room and watched kids shows.  In the morning they both ordered eggs and french toast sticks, the little princesses got their wish.  It was a great time.  We really enjoy our time with our Grand kids and hope they will be able to look back on these memories and think they are as special as we do.

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