Thursday, January 16, 2014

Iris our first Granddog!

Brian brought Iris home the first time in October of 1999, we thought she was beautiful.  We have many wonderful memories of Iris and some of our favorites were with my Mom, she would hide treats in her purse and Iris would put her whole head in her purse to retrieve them.  When Brian graduated from college in 2000 he brought Iris home with him.  She became a part of our family.  We always would babysit Iris if Mary and Brian went out of town and she always felt at home in our house.  In 2001 Julie adopted Kensey and Kensey and Iris became best friends but Iris was always the boss.  Even though Kensey lived in our home since 2001, when Iris came to stay with us when Brian and Mary went on vacation, Iris would become the boss and take over Kensey's bed and Kensey never gave Iris any trouble about it.  Iris was the friendliest dog I ever came in contact with, she never, ever snapped at anyone.  Leah, Sissy and Charlie were never afraid of her and could do anything to her and Iris would let them.  She was full of love and gave love to everyone.  Iris passed in September of 2013 and we all miss her bunches.  She was an awesome pet and part of our family

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