Sunday, January 27, 2013

Dylan turns 6

Our Dylan boy turned 6 November 30, 2012.  I started a new tradition with Kylie and enjoyed it so much I decided to do it with all the kids.  I make a date with them to go buy their presents with them and then go to lunch.  I don't usually get one on one time with them so it is a real treat for me and hopefully with them too.  Dylan wanted to go to Toys R Us so I picked him up one Saturday and we went shopping.  He had so much fun dashing up and down all the aisles.  He finally decided on several toys which I then purchased and told him he could not have them until his birthday.  He asked if he could hold them in the car which I let him do and while we were driving he is telling me that we should open all the toys and make sure they work.  I told him I would do that at home.  Giving up on the idea that I would let him be a part of that we made our way to Culvers for a great lunch.  We had a great time together.  On his birthday, he had a swim party at the Arnold Rec Center with his school friends and cousins and then back to his house for a cookie cake with his Aunts, Uncles and cousins.  It was awesome.

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