Monday, December 20, 2010

Leah's 7th Birthday

Leah Abigal Knobbe is our second Grandchild. She is our sensitive grandchild. She worries about everything. She crys a lot like her Grandma. She cares very much about people. She is very artistic. She has some talent for drawing and designing clothes. Give her a pad a paper and a pencil and you won't hear from her for hours. She is an excellent big sister. I have seen her on more than one occasion pick a treat out and her brother or sister decided they want it and Leah will give it to them, knowing there is no more of that one treat. She is very selfless when it comes to her sister and brother. Leah is an excellent student, already making the honor roll in first grade. I see a lot of me in Leah. She is my heart. I love her dearly. She will go far in this life and have many friends because she is kind and caring.

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