Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dylan's 4th Birthday

What can I say about our 3rd Grandchild, Dylan. He has more energy than the energizer bunny. He is more curious than curious George. A switch cannot go untouched, a button cannot go unpressed. He is a snuggler, which I am really grateful for, if I sit on the couch he will come from across the room to sit on my lap. He is unpredictable, one minute you are about to reprimand him and then all of a sudden he grabs your leg and says, I love you Maw Maw, you are the best. Any adult commercial on tv for baking or wrinkle cream, Dylan tells me I need it and he will buy it for me. He is very generous that way. Dylan worships his Mom, Dad and Sister, Kylie. What they say is gospel. He also, loves all his cousins, especially, Sissy. She is his best friend. They go to preschool together and get along so well. We will ask him who he plays with and he says Sissy. We ask him if there are pretty girls in school and he says yes, Sissy. They have a tight bond. I hope that continues thru life. Dylan is our first Grandson and nothing like I have ever experienced before. He is my love, my heart and my soul. He makes me a better Grandma/Maw Maw. I wish Dylan much happiness and love in his life's journey.

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