Saturday, December 25, 2010

An Awesome Christmas 2010

Christmas started for us on Christmas Eve. It had been snowing off and on all day, started at 7am. We left for 4pm mass at 3pm, the streets were pretty clear. Julie, Dylan and Kylie met us in church. The church was decorated beautiful, the lights were dimmed and the choir was singing and they were really good. Dylan was listening to the choir and when they finished their first song, Dylan started clapping and yelling yeah. Of course, he was the only one clapping. I am sure they appreciated his admiration. Mass was starting and Dylan declared he was tired and wanted to nap right before the lights were turned up. When the lights grew bright, Dylan shouted out, "How am I going to nap with these bright lights?" People were snickering at him. During the mass, Julie was trying to show Dylan someone up in the choir, Dylan was standing on the kneelers, we were all sitting, and Dylan was trying to see but then told his mom, not in a quiet voice, those heads are in the way. The lady who was sitting in front of Dylan, turned and leaned over and said, can you see now. He said, no, it is all those heads, pointing to all the people in front of us. He was too much. We made it thru the mass and then proceeded outside to blizzard. Our car was completely covered and so were the streets. It must of snowed 2 inches while we were in church. We barely made it home.

Now it is 6am, I have been up since 3am, waiting for my babies. I have had their presents piled up since yesterday afternoon, I have had most of them wrapped since the day after Thanksgiving. I have forgotten what some of them have in them. It is so much fun. Charlie is really getting into it this year. The kids arrived about 10:30am and then Christmas officially began. It was probably one of the greatest Christmases ever. Everyone was in a good mood and just really happy. We had the kids open their presents first, starting with Charlie, youngest to oldest. It was great and they all seemed to love their presents. Then on the big kids, we started with the oldest to the youngest, that means Brian started it off. They all seemed really happy with their presents also. The most popular present this year seemed to be Leah's karaoke. Mary and Julie just took over that present and entertained us with their beautiful melodic voices. Ha. I have some pics of the day. Linda and Al came about 2:30 and we ate around 3pm. Food was good, prime rib and turkey. Then the kids left around 5pm. Things settled down and Linda and Al left around 7pm. I immediately went to bed because I was done. I loved this Christmas, it was awesome because I have such an awesome, fabulous, loving family.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Poor Charlie

December 20th Charlie was bitten by one of the Barton's dogs, no one knows exactly what happened but he had to get 13 stitches under his nose. He was such a brave little boy but it broke all our hearts to see his cheek bitten like that. He is fine now.

Leah's 7th Birthday

Leah Abigal Knobbe is our second Grandchild. She is our sensitive grandchild. She worries about everything. She crys a lot like her Grandma. She cares very much about people. She is very artistic. She has some talent for drawing and designing clothes. Give her a pad a paper and a pencil and you won't hear from her for hours. She is an excellent big sister. I have seen her on more than one occasion pick a treat out and her brother or sister decided they want it and Leah will give it to them, knowing there is no more of that one treat. She is very selfless when it comes to her sister and brother. Leah is an excellent student, already making the honor roll in first grade. I see a lot of me in Leah. She is my heart. I love her dearly. She will go far in this life and have many friends because she is kind and caring.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dylan's 4th Birthday

What can I say about our 3rd Grandchild, Dylan. He has more energy than the energizer bunny. He is more curious than curious George. A switch cannot go untouched, a button cannot go unpressed. He is a snuggler, which I am really grateful for, if I sit on the couch he will come from across the room to sit on my lap. He is unpredictable, one minute you are about to reprimand him and then all of a sudden he grabs your leg and says, I love you Maw Maw, you are the best. Any adult commercial on tv for baking or wrinkle cream, Dylan tells me I need it and he will buy it for me. He is very generous that way. Dylan worships his Mom, Dad and Sister, Kylie. What they say is gospel. He also, loves all his cousins, especially, Sissy. She is his best friend. They go to preschool together and get along so well. We will ask him who he plays with and he says Sissy. We ask him if there are pretty girls in school and he says yes, Sissy. They have a tight bond. I hope that continues thru life. Dylan is our first Grandson and nothing like I have ever experienced before. He is my love, my heart and my soul. He makes me a better Grandma/Maw Maw. I wish Dylan much happiness and love in his life's journey.