Saturday, September 18, 2010

Injuiries and Insults

Here are the Injuiries, on Sunday, 9-12-10 Kylie was playing on her playground set in her backyard and thought she cut her foot, she went in to show her mom and dad and found out it was a splinter about 1/2' long and it went really deep into her foot. Nick and Julie could not get it out. It didn't hurt too bad, so they waited and called the Dr. the next day, he told them to take her to St. Clare's in Fenton to remove it. The Emergency Room gave Kylie a codeine/xanax cocktail and then preceded to remove her splinter, all is well.

On Friday, 9-17-10, Sissy was going to the bathroom at Mary's mom and dad's house, Charlie went with her, that is all that is known for sure, somehow Charlie slammed the shower door on Sissy's pointer finger on her right hand and broke it. Mary took her to an Urgent Care and they put a splint on it. Sissy was very proud of her splint.

Now for the Insults, on 9-14-10, while Bob was gone fishing for the week and I had my little angels all by myself, every morning I had to pack all the kids in the car to take and pick up Kylie. Of course, Kylie is the only one that can buckle herself up, so I have to buckle the rest, that means getting all the way to the back of the van to buckle Sissy, while I am doing that bent over at the waist, Dylan looks to his left and all he sees is my posterior, he immediately announces, "Grandma you have a BIG BUTT!" I immediately start laughing. I can't help it, he is just stating the obvious. I did try and tell him, while that is true, it may hurt some peoples feelings if you say that, he just looked at me and said "but you do have a big butt", I gave up, his parents can deal with that one.

This past weekend, Mary had to go to Texas on business, so Brian and the 3 kids stayed with us Thursday 9-23-10 and Friday 9-24-10 night. Saturday, was such a beautiful day Brian wanted to go somewhere, so we decided on Kimmswick. While we walking around and the kids got a few nick knacks, Leah proclaimed this was her BEST DAY EVER! I immediately thought of the money we spent on taking them to Disney World and she says this is her best day ever. I think we spent $7.00 on her. Now I know how to give her the best day ever and it won't hurt my pockets. We decided to eat at the Blue Owl and it was wonderful, the pics of the kids enjoying their desserts are attached. After eating Leah wanted to go to the Kimmswick museum so we were walking down there, in the street, because there are no sidewalks, and I told Leah, you walk on the inside so a car will hit me instead of you. Leah said "Yes, I am not old enough to die, I haven't even made my first communion." I started laughing and said "Yes, I guess I am old enough to die". She said, "Yes you are, your mom and dad are already dead and waiting for you in heaven." So, that makes you old enough to die, when you already made your first communion and your parents are already in heaven, just in case you didn't know the criteria to die. Where, where do they come up with this stuff. It has to be stuff we tell them and they twist it so they can understand it. Tooooooo funny.

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