Saturday, May 23rd was our annual garage sale. Leah, Kylie and Sissy spent the night so that they could sell goodies. During the day, Kylie and Leah were bored and decided to walk up the street to shop at some other garage sales. They both came home with a gift for me. As you see below, both are wonderful gifts. Leah found the cane and had to have it for me, this stressed out Kylie. Kylie was worried that I would interpret the cane meaning I am "OLD". Leah told Kylie that I am fun and would think it was funny. Leah handed me the cane and said, "Do you think it is funny?" I laughed and said "Yes! I love it". She said well GiGi has a cane and thought I should have one too! Then Kylie gave me her gift, she said you put it on a chain. I think she bought it because she was so afraid I was going to be upset about the old lady cane. I just laughed at them both. I love these girls! They are my heart.
Leah's gift
Kylie's gift
May 14th, 2015 Leah was presented a first time award for her act of kindness. Leah was presented this award after mass by her Principal. She did not know of this award or that we were there to see the presentation. You could tell she was shocked. We are very proud of Leah and know she is full of kindness. She is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. We love you LeeLee!
Wednesday, May 13th was Kylie's fun day at Fox. I again worked the snow cone booth for the Parents Club from 8:30 to 11:30, then sat with Kylie for lunch and her fun day began at 12:30, she too had lots of fun.
Tuesday, May 12th was Dylan's Fun Day at Fox. I worked the snow cone booth from 8:30 till 11:30 for the Parents Club at Fox and decided to sit with Dylan while he ate lunch because his fun day was to start at 12:30 and it did. Dylan always has fun and we have the pics to prove it.
PawPaw and I were picking up Leah, Sissy and Charlie from St. Gabes at 12:30 after their field day, so we decided to go early and watch some of their games. First of all, it started to rain as soon as we got out of the car, secondly, we were the only grandparent/parents watching. Even with the ugly day, and being sopping wet, they had fun. I am just glad I brought jackets in the car so they could warm up.
May 3rd, 2015 Sunday Sissy made her first communion without her cast! On the Friday before Sissy's first communion, her GiGi took her to the doctor to see if they could remove the cast, they decided they could so Sissy was without a cast at her first communion. Sissy, Leah and Charlie spent the night before her first communion with us, so the morning of her first communion, she had a special breakfast of waffles with a smiley face on them in chocolate and whip cream. After that I fixed her hair as she dictated and we were on our way. It was a beautiful Spring day. Everything was wonderful, except for her silly Daddy. We love you Sissy and are very proud of you.
April 25th, 2015, Dylan made his first communion at St. Josephs church in Imperial. Dylan did very well considering he had to sit so still for over an hour. We had given him a special first communion medal to keep in his pocket, that is what entertained him for the hour. Also, when the kids were leaving their pew to walk up the aisle, he was the only one that his shirt tail was hanging out in front and back, what was he doing?????????? We love you and are so proud of you Dylan.
4-4-2015 Poor Sissy girl, on Easter Eve Sissy breaks her pinky. Sissy was running up her steps at home and slams her hand on the wall. Only our Sissy girl could break a finger on the wall going up the steps! We love you Sissy!