Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Kylie Bug turns 9

Our Kylie turned 9 on August 14th the day before she started 3rd grade.  This birthday she wanted cowboy boots.  When we took her and Leah to Tennessee in June she saw everyone wearing cowboy boots and really loved seeing all the different kind of boots there were, so she didn't forget that and asked for them for her birthday.  So the week before her birthday, I took her to Chuck's boots.  She was so excited and said she was in cowboy boot heaven.  She had her choice down to 2 boots.  See below.  The brown boots won out.  This was so much fun, I decided that this would be a tradition on taking the kids to pick out their birthday presents.  Kylie is such an awesome young lady.  She wants to please everyone so much and take care of them.  She really watches over her little brother.  Kylie was our first born Granddaughter and showed us how much love we have and can give to our grandchildren.  Like the poster says that I just seen recently saw, "The most precious jewels you will have around your neck are the arms of your grandchildren."

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