Tuesday, January 26, 2021

I will try and summarize from January, 2019 to December 2020. I will add pics.

December, 2020 - Leah's 17th Birthday and Christmas

November, 2020 - Dylan's 14th Birthday

September, 2020 - Trip to Eckerts.

August, 2020 - Kylie's 17th Birthday.

July, 2020 - Charlie's 12th Birthday and we practiced social distancing.

May, 2020, Julie went thru a divorce, sold her home, lost her job because of Covid and moved in with us.  June, Kylie painted her room and made it hers.

March, 2020 - The Corona Virus Pandemic hit and we had to practice Social Distancing.  This was the start of the lockdown.

February, 2020 Sissy's 13th Birthday and a visit to the new Union Station Aquarium.

December, 2019 - Leah turns 16 and inherits PawPaw's truck and Christmas.

November, 2019 Dylan's 13th Birthday.

October, 2019 - Kylie's first horse show and won some awards. Also, it was Kylie's and Leah's homecoming.

August, 2019, Kylie's 16th Birthday!

July, 2019, Charlie's 11th birthday!

June, 2019 we had the vacation of a lifetime, we went on a family vacation to Hawaii.

April, 2019 we celebrated Easter.