Sunday, July 28, 2013

Our Awesome Destin Vacation

Our Charlie man turns 5

I was asking Charlie where he would like to shop for his birthday present.  He immediately replied that Schnucks has toys, I started laughing and said well, I was thinking more like Toys R Us and he told me that is where he wanted to go.  I also asked him where he wanted to go to lunch, he said the place with the diamond on the outside of the building, I looked confused at him and we were all trying to figure out where he was talking about and Brian came up with it.  He was talking about Sam's Club.  I have taken him there a lot when I need to shop and then I can buy him a hot dog and soda for $1.50.  The kids love Sam's hot dogs, they are kosher hot dogs.  I used to buy a $.99 pack of hot dogs but noooooooo our kids love the expensive kosher hot dogs.  So anyway I laughed at that too wanting to go to Sams for lunch.  I said we could go anywhere he wanted, so he starts off wanting to go to Sams, then Steak and Shake, then Dairy Queen and then he finally settled on Applebee's.  We had our date on 7-5-2013.  Charlie wanted to shop for his present before we went to Florida.

On 7-17-2013 our little Charlie man turned 5 in Destin, Florida.  His mom and dad brought decorations to decorate the home we were renting.  Charlie wanted to spend the day at the beach and at the pool and then went to the movies.  I think he had a great day.  We all brought our presents to Florida.  We had a great time.  Here are some of the pics on Charlie's day.

Our Sissy on voting for the new Pope

Another funny from our Sissy girl,  Mary was talking to Sissy and Leah about getting a new Pope.  Sissy asks if kids can vote for the new Pope.  No, Mary says, the Cardinals vote for the new Pope.  Sissy then asks "Do other teams get to vote too?"  She cracks us up!  The innocence of children.

Kylie choked on popcorn chicken

On February 27, 2013 Kylie was at school in the 3rd grade at Fox Elementary eating lunch when she choked on her popcorn chicken, while her friends raised their hands to get help because they could see Kylie was in trouble, her other friend Hannah went into action and performed the Heimlich on Kylie.  Immediately, Kylie spit out the popcorn chicken.  Hannah is our hero.  A local station did a piece on what had happened.  We are eternally grateful for Hannah.