Sunday, January 23, 2011

Snow Day at Grandma and Paw Paw's

Even though we are in our 60's we enjoy the day sledding with our grand kids in our backyard. This was the first time Dylan would go sledding, I had to promise him I would not let the sled go in the woods. He refused to go with Paw Paw. The last time we went sledding, we wore Kylie out because one us would wait at the top of the hill for Kylie to ride with us, she told us, she had to rest because she was getting to tired. We groaned and told her to come on and ride with us again, we sounded like some little kids. After sledding we always have hot chocolate with marshmallows of course. This day we also made "Snow Cream", I had just heard of this, the kids got a kick out of making it and eating it with sprinkles. Fun snow days.