My Sissy Girl turned 4 February 13th. She will ask you, "Do you know how old I am?" She will then say, "I will give you a hint, it begins with 4." Is that too cute! Sissy is a very easy going little girl. She always gives in to her brother and her cousin Dylan. Her best friend is Dylan and at school you rarely see one without the other one right next to each other. Sissy is very bright and she tells her Mom all the time, "I am the smartest one of all your kids." She means it too. Sissy is the easiest one to take care of when she is sick. Just give her a pan, she will throw up in it and go back to watching her cartoons and will never call you. She is not like the others, she does not demand attention. She is probably the most affectionate. She will come up to me at all times of the day and give me a big hug for no reason and tell me, I am the best Grandma in the world. She melts your heart when she gives you one of her big smiles and looks at you with those big blue eyes. She is our Sissy girl. She is our Valentine Girl. I love my Sissy girl sooooo much and she is growing up way too fast.